If you have physical and/or mental health needs, you can apply for the Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) when you apply for student finance. Allow a little extra time as you'll be asked to provide evidence. If it's awarded, you'll be offered useful support at university, which could include: ✔ Extra time in exams ✔ A mentor/support at university ✔ A laptop and software ✔ Travel allowance Go for it! |
Are you thinking of booking a summer holiday and not sure if you should be at home when your results come out? You can manage things remotely, if you need to, as long as you have Internet access and a phone line. The Internet so you can see which courses still have spaces and the phone in case you needs to call a uni to present your case. However, some students like to go into school to discuss a grade, e.g. if they're borderline, to discuss an appeal or to talk through their options with the teachers. |
When can you apply for student finance? For first year students, it's normally April-May. To check eligibility and to apply for funding, go to: www.gov.uk/student-finance You’ll also find out how much you'll get in loans. Apply in April/May (when the service opens) for 2024 start date. This will ensure the funds are in your bank account when term starts. |